Customer Testimonials

“The services of Ignis Aerospace, in the area of CNC Programming using CATIA, have been very professional and satisfying. IGNIS has become a strategic partner for our machining services unit.”

Xabier Mendoza
Managing Director-Aernnova Components Mexico

“The services offered by ignis to fidicon has been very proactive, professional and of high quality. All our interactions with ignis were smooth, pleasant and fair which promoted a healthy business atmosphere. We shall look forward to working with ignis in the future.”

Nanjunda Rao Rayasam
Director – Technical, Fidicon AG

” Ignis team is very responsive, thoughtful and technology oriented to work as a offshore partner”

Larry Ulin
Operations Define Manager, Nex-Tech Aerospace

“Throughout the initialization of our project, IGNIS has shown a remarkable sense of professionalism and flexibility. They were highly business oriented and a fine example of work dedication and time management. I would strongly recommend them to any company looking for innovative solutions.”

Ahmed Alkadhi
General Manager, Echo Media

” Ignis Team is very responsive and are always eager to add value on technology solutions ”

David Fairand
CEO, Aeon Consulting

News and Events
IGNIS partners with NAYAR Group
>> 2017-18
UAC acquires NEVITON from IGNIS
>> 2016-17
IGNIS creates captive unit
for customer UAC

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